Mamiya Universal Press + MS150/5.6 for street.

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I know that it is counter intuitive to use a telephoto lens, on a big medium format film camera, for street style photography.  I have no interest in shooting around the streets of my home city of Auckland with a digital camera. It has the to be film. Using the 150/5.6 I am able to compose my shot and compress the detail in the shot like pic above of ‘Summer in the Square.’ Late last year I had a big fall and I am still restricted to shooting close to home at present and using the 150/5.6 allows me to stay out of, and shoot over the people flow.

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The tele also allows me to get abstract/reflections in busy buildings like the Auckland Art Gallery, without the human and vehicle traffic that would normally clutter a shot like this.

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Another advantage of a old film camera is a double exposure. These two pics are from my deck, a boring reflective glass building and the second the early stages of the Laneway Festival at Albert Park. On their own not inspirational but together they work and a tele allows me to get closer. A bit of guess work required but the diagonal of the Albert Park pathway reflected in the glass worked a treat.

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Detritus on a inner city building site. The tele gets you in close.

When I got the film camera of my dreams last year, the Fuji GF670w, I thought I would sell my Uni Press. But the flexibility it offers with the lens selection means I think it is here to stay.

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